About Persona

Persona 5's main confidants (not mentioned in list)

Ryuji Sakamoto

Arcana - The Chariot

Codename - Skull

Ryuji is mostly noted as being a typical "annoying" comic relief character on the surface. Deep down, he's a selfless character who just wants others to be happy in what they do, as he doesn't want others to have to go through the same treatment that he did.

He's commonly known to be a "problem student" in class, and is quite proud of his status as a troublemaker. He believes that his personality makes him fit to be a good Phantom Thief.

Although having vulgar speech patterns, he will never become physically violent unless repeatedly provoked.

Ann Takamaki

Arcana - The Lovers

Codename - Panther

Ann is considered to be a kind and compassionate person, and is described as beautiful by others due to being a model. She feels that she's lost her place in the world due to being isolated from others at a young age. This never stops her from having fun with her friends, though.

Although she usually appears happy, she's ridden with guilt due to the fact that she was unable to help her friend keep her position on the volleyball team, and eventually stop her from attempting suicide.

She eventually overcomes this guilt during Kamoshida's palace, and decides to help Shiho with her physical therapy instead of feeling guilty.

Makoto Nijima

Arcana - High Priestess

Codename - Queen

Makoto gives off the impression of being an arrogant, selfish control freak. These rumors are untrue, as she's just a reserved person who likes to follow the rules.

She's constantly overshadowed by how successful her older sister, Sae Nijima, is. This has led her to having no self-worth, and is why she continued to do what was expected of her and never questioned her authority. Goro Akechi refers to her as the, "good-girl type of pushover," in a very condescending manner.

After defeating Junya Kaneshiro, she stays with the Phantom Thieves and states that she's done being the "exemplary honors student." She also states that she's going to be more honest with herself. She still likes to follow the rules well, even after she's done being Shujin's tool.

Haru Okumura

Arcana - Empress

Codename - Noir

Haru is generally seen as being quiet and reserved, even being described as eccentric by some due to her tendency to keep to herself and avoid contact with others. She has trouble differentiating between people who want to genuinely be her friend and people who want to use her for her familial status.

She's shown to have trust issues due to the people who just want to use her but even with this, she's still a kind-hearted person. She initially behaves very formally towards the rest of the Phantom thieves, but after being told that she doesn't need to be formal she eventually stops and even uses nicknames for some of the other characters.

Haru's father is the palace of greed, and she initially wanted to infiltrate it so that she could get out of an abusive arranged relationship with her fiance. She agrees to join the Phantom Thieves after they helped change the heart of her father and get her out of the relationship she was in before.

Side confidants

Sojiro Sakura

Arcana - Hierophant

Sojiro Sakura is the owner of Leblanc and man that becomes your guardian in the beginning of Persona 5. Although he has a hard shell, he's a caring person who just wants to see you succeed once you get to know him.

He's the adoptive father of Futaba Sakura, and is very protective of her.

Chihaya Mifune

Arcana - Fortune

Chihaya Mifune is the fortune teller in Shinjuku. Although being a tarot reader, she's unsure of the what the future of the world holds.

Her predictions are accurate and she can see even the most minute details, although her fortune telling costs 100,000 yen to start seeing her. She started being described as a monster in her hometown for her ability to tell the future, which led to her being discovered by the ADP chairman. Even after her time with the ADP, she continues fortune telling, as she likes doing it.

Munehisa Iwai

Arcana - Hanged Man

Munehisa Iwai is the owner of "Untouchable," the airsoft shop in Shibuya. He shows interest in Akira due to his personality and knowledge on guns. He offers to sell the party real weapons in exchange for assisting with shady activies.

He sells the Phantom Thieves the weapons that they use in the palaces and buys the treasure that they steal for a good amount of money. Building his confidant allows discounted prices to be set on his weapons. Growing up with a single mother who resorted to doing self-destructive things, he turned to the yakuza quickly. When he was forced to take in a child, he let go of the yakuza and decided to live a normal life and started Untouchable to support him and his son.

Tae Takemi

Arcana - Death

Tae Takemi is an eccentric woman who dresses in a goth-like style and has a morbid sense of humor. She has a bad reputation in the medical field, even being nicknamed "The Plague."

This alias has caused her to become quite cynical and insecure, believing that she's only good for making experimental drugs, even after curing a young patient on the verge of death. She can tell when patients have ulterior motives when working with her, as she gets them often. Although being kind at heart as a doctor usually is, she gets easily annoyed by others and only decided to start selling Akira medicine because he accepted a deal to be his "guinea pig."


Sadayo Kawakami

Arcana - Temperance

Sadayo Kawakami is Akira's homeroom teacher at Shujin Academy, and is known to be very competent and professional. She never lets her mounting stress show in either of her jobs, whether it's being a teacher or her part time job working at a maid cafe.

She initially acts cold towards Akira, believing him to be a good-for-nothing criminal due to the rumors surrounding the cause for his probation. After he stands up against Kamoshida, she realizes that there's more to him than she thought, and begins to warm up to him. Once Akira finds out about her side-job as a maid, she agrees to do chores for him at Leblanc. Her confidant is increased through calling her to do chores.

Ichiko Ohya

Arcana - Devil

Ichiko Ohya is a paparazza who writes news articles. She is known to twist and manipulate stories for clicks and views, as well as just making outright clickbait content. She admits that she doesn't like her job, but feels like she's stuck and doesn't have a choice but to stay in her profession.

She first appears before Ichiryusai Madarame's investigation, greeting Akira and his friends. When being blackmailed into helping change Kaneshiro's heart by Makoto Nijima, Ohya is contacted to gather information. She agrees, in exchange for getting an interview with the students of Shujin to talk about Suguru Kamoshida's abuse.

Shinya Oda

Arcana - Tower

Shinya oda is a reserved boy, primarily because of how aggressive his mother is, who stays inside of the arcade in Akihabara. He's known for being one of the best "Gun About" players and only loses to the current champion due to them using cheats to win.

His actions led to students at his school bullying him. He sees this as a "war" he has to win. He greatly admires the Phantom Thieves due to them challenging higher-ups who abuse their power. He sees Akira as an older sibling, and only continues to admire him once he finds out the truth about him being a Phantom Thief.

Hifumi Togo

Arcana - Star

Hifumi Togo is a student at Kosei High, and attends next to Yusuke Kitagwa. She is described as being an amazing shogi player, and is nicknamed the "too beautiful shogi player." She practices hard and does interviews everyday for her mother.

She is widely disliked due to rumors about her fixing her matches. These turn out to be true, although Hifumi herself is mostly innocent. Her mother was the one bribing her competitors. She's usually found at the church in Kanda.

Yuuki Mishima

Arcana - Moon

Yuuki Mishima is a student at Shujin Academy, and is mostly seen to be a well-behaved student. He looks up to the Phantom Thieves due to their strong sense of justice, and once he figures out that Akira is their leader, he makes them a site for others to send sumbissions on and vote for who they want to have their heaert changed next.

Being bullied, abused, and ignored for most of his life, he's been isolated from others and never had many friends. He wants to have the freedom that everybody else has, and escape from being tortured in his day-to-day life. He was one of Kamoshida'as main victims, along with the rest of the volleyball team, Shiho Suzui and Ann Takamaki. he was used by Kamoshida to spread unfavorable rumors and leak Akira's criminal record. After Kamoshida's reign of abuse ended, Mishima's nervous and frightened demeanor eventually faded, letting his true nature of being a loyal and friendly person shine through.

Toranosuke Yoshida

Arcana - Sun

Toranosuke Yoshida is a man who is extremely devoted to politics. He went into the political field through the help of his mentor, Kuramoto.

Once he took the position, however, he lost sight of why he wanted to be a political figure in the first place and gained a less-than perfect reputation due to previous incidents. After losing his position 20 years ago, he learned what it was that he lost sight of and decided to return to the field. While he sometimes gets upset when people call him "No-Good-Tora," he doesn't let it get him down for too long. He always remains calm and level-headed when dealing with people trying to slander him.

palace owners

Suguru Kamoshida

Sin - Lust

Palace form - Castle

Suguru Kamoshia is the abusive gym coach, and the first to get his heart changed. His abuse of the volleyball team, especially the female students, bothered Akira and Ryuji. When they found out about the Metaverse, they set out to change his heart, gaining Ann Takamaki's support as well.

He physically and verbally abused students on his volleyball team, as well as holding Shiho's position on the team hostage so that he could get what he wanted out of Ann.

After his change of heart, he turned himself in during a school assembly, and apologized profusely.

Ichiryusai Madarame

Sin - Vanity

Palace form - Museum

Ichiryusai Madarame is the former art teacher of Yusuke Kitagawa, and the second to get his heart changed. He used Yusuke for his talent by stealing his and his mother's artwork. Although he appears polite and humble, his true personality is that of somebody who is self-centered and arrogant.

He calls himself a "God of the Art World," and believes that taking the artwork of the people who shadow him isn't a bad thing. Because he suffered a bad case of art block for years, he decided that stealing their work wasn't immoral. Unlike Kamoshida, he hid his abuse from public and made sure that nobody inside realized they were being mistreated

Junya Kaneshiro

Sin - Gluttony

Palace form - Bank

Junya Kaneshiro is a shady scam-artist who is the third person to get his heart changed. He's is obsessed with gaining money and often talks in a vulgar manner. His secrecy makes him difficult to investigate. He dislikes teenagers and young children, as he believes that they're easy to trick and manipulate.

He sees Shibuya as his own bank, and sees everybody there as another ATM for him to exploit. Deep down, he's a pathetic and childish man whos big ego is engineered to make himself look and feel better. He was born into a poor family, which caused him to think that being selfless was showing weakness. He's known to be petty and blackmail teenagers because he likes spending money when he's angry.

Kunikazu Okumura

Sin - Greed

Palace form - Spaceport

Kunikazu Okumura was an ambitious and wealthy man who was the fifth person to have his heart changed. Being the owner of Okumura Foods and the famous burger chain "BigBang Burger" caused him to gain a reputation for being a good person to do business with. His professionalism is only an act, as he's truly a man who causes deliberate pain to his family and employees to rise to the top of the business and political fields.

His constant abuse of BigBang Burger employees and abuse of his daughter Haru caused his heart to become distorted. His shadow admits that he sees nothing wrong with using his daughter for his political gain, and Haru even admits that he wasn't always like this. She states that he used to be a kindhearted man with an honest company.

Sae Nijima

Sin - Envy

Palace form - Casino

Sae Nijima is an intelligent and respectable lawyer who is the sixth person to have her cognition changed. Being a workaholic, she's strict in her work and in being a guardian for her younger sister, Makoto Nijima. She constantly tells her to focus on her studiest and always pressures her to do better. She has to fill the role of a mother and a father, since their parents are no longer living, and resents both Makoto and her father. She didn't want to take a motherly role at such a young age, but was forced to because of their father dying after putting his life on the line for his job.

Because of her fathers death, she views the concept of justice as meaningless. This makes her highly competitive and obsessed with getting ahead in her job. Being envious of her sister and her colleagues, Sae felt that she should have free reign to do whatever she wants.

Masayoshi Shido

Sin - Pride

Palace form - Sinking ship of Japan

Masayoshi Shido appears to be a charismatic politican who cares about the future of Japan, and he is the seventh person to have his cognition changed. Although appearing as a skilled speaker in public who puts a lot of care into influential speeches, his words are nothing but lies said to convince others to elect him Prime Minister. In reality, he's an ungrateful man who has a massive savior complex. He only cares about himself and the lapdogs who abide by him.

He could care less about the future of Japan, and believes that the only people who should have a right to live are his associates. He despises everybody who gets in his way or irritates him even a little bit, and the consequences can range from lawsuits to being assassinated.

Depths of Mementos

Sin - Sloth

Form - Shibuya Railway

The Depths of Mementos is the palace of everybody in Japan after the change of heart in Masayoshi Shido. His popularity had reached cult-like levels, which caused the change to affect people and how they felt. This is the last palace in the original game, with the final boss fight being Yaldaboath.

In the deeper levels of the depths, you find the "reformed" Suguru Kamoshida, Ichirusai Madarame, Junya Kaneshiro, and Masayoshi Shido. Just like the rest of the masses stuck in the depths, they praise the prison and say that it's a great place to be.

When Yaldaboath is defeated, the world goes back to normal and the masses are freed.

Persona 4's main social-links (not mentioned in list)

Chie Satonaka

Arcana - Chariot

Chie Satonaka is the outgoing extroverted type. Her personality can be decsribed as bright and upbeat, especially when she's next to her good friend Yukiko Amagi. Although being a little aggressive sometimes, especially towards Yosuke, she's never one to back down from a challenge.

She's a typical tomboy who loves the outdoors and especially kung-fu movies. She wants to become a police officer someday, and has a strong sense of justice. She's willing to do anything to protect those close to her, and even defends civilians being harassed by others.

Her biggest insecurity is her jealousy towards others with better backgrounds than her. She was jealous of Yukiko for how perfect she seemed to be, as well as how much male attention she got. She derived pleasuere from seeing Yukiko depend on her. After facing herself in the TV world, she realized that her jealousy wasn't healthy, and vowed to overcome her complex to be a true friend to Yukiko.

Yukiko Amagi

Arcana - Priestess

Dungeon - Castle

Yukiko Amagi is the first dungeon owner, and third party member. She was raised to be a proper Japanese lady at a young age, which led to her being quite reserved and soft-spoken. Upon fist impressions, she may seem like a kind student who is intelligent due to her grades.

Deep down, this attention makes Yukiko uncomfortable. She feels as though she's only seen as a prized possession to others, not as an actual person. The Amagi Challenge is a challenge where people try to ask her out and go on a date with her, as she's infamous for saying no each time. While she's not at school, she works at her families inn, the Amagi Inn.

In the TV world, it's revealed that she feels burdened by the expectations that everybody has of her. She feels that it's all at the expense of her self-esteem and wellbeing, even believing that she's worthless outside of her looks. She doesn't open up to anybody, as she doesn't want to come off as ungrateful, but internally stresses out everyday. After this comes out in the TV world, she has no choice but to accept herself as she is.

Kanji Tatsumi

Arcana - Emperor

Dungeon - Steamy Bathhouse

Kanji Tatumi is the second dungeon owner, and the fourth party member. He was known for being a deliquent who barely attented classes, as well as being strong enough to fight a biker gang. At first glance, he seems like a scary teenager who just likes to pick fights for no reason.

His hyper-masculine demeanor is just a front for who he really is as a person. He likes stereotypically "girly" things like sewing, arts & crafts, and preparing food. He's hyper-masculine to avoid coming off as "unmanly" and avoid being bullied by others like he has in the past. he's impulsive and acts before thinking everything through.

In the TV world, it's revealed that he's terrified of having his secret hobbies revealed to the world. It's also noted that he never got along with women when he was younger, because of their constant judgement of him for his feminine personality. After he learns to accept his true self, he also learns to embrace his hobbies start being himself.

In Persona Q and Persona Q2, it's revealed that he's quite fond of both Koromaru and Morgana.

Kanji's dungeon contains content that is stereotypical towards people in the LGBTQ+ community. Persona 4 and Persona 4 Golden are outdated games, even if they're still good.

Side social-links

Ryotaro Dojima

Arcana - Hierophant

Ryotaro Dojima is Yu's uncle and the father of Nanako Dojima. He trains his partner, Tohru Adachi, and is often seen yelling at him due to slacking off on his job or saying too much about the murder investigations. Although he loves his daughter and loves being with her, he finds it difficult to parent her as he's not around much due to his job.

He acts as the legal guardian to Yu throughout the year that he lives with him, although he states that they're more like to brothers than anything. He can be stern and sometimes speaks in a harsh manner towards Yu, but acknowledges this and apologizes.

He gets enraged when stressed, and begins to suspect that Yu is involved with the murder case. At the game's climax, he's in the hospital and barely able to move, although he makes it a point to get up when he isn't supposed to and check on everyone. By the end of the game, Dojima realizes how important of a family member Yu is to him, and welcomes him back home whenever he wants to visit.

Nanako Dojima

Arcana - Justice

Dungeon - Heaven

Nanako Dojima is the sixth dungeon owner, and is Yu's cousin. She's known for being a kind person, as well as being mature for her age, as she's able to watch her house while only being around 7 years old. Although she can be mature, she's still a child with child-like innocence. She tries her best not to hurt anyone, and while being shy at first, quickly warms up to others.

Her father, Dojima, notes that she has the qualities of her mother, in both appearance and personality. She's able to go shopping on her own, as well as able to do laundry and clean without any help. Her most notable quirk is her love for the department store, Junes. She sings the Junes theme whenever it comes on TV and when asked to choose between going on a trip or going to Junes, she chooses Junes.

In the TV world, Nanako doesn't have a shadow-self to face, as she was forcibly kidnapped by Namatame. Her dungeon reveals a lot about her innocent personality. It takes the form of "Heaven," and throughout the dungeon, she talks about missing her mother and wanting to see her again, as she believes that she went to heaven. The team notes that her dungeon seems to be more peaceful than the others, and the scenery of it is beautiful. Rise states that Nanako isn't alone, and that there's somebody with her. They save Nanako after a long fight with Kunino-Sagiri, and they return to the real world to deal with Namatame and the real killer.

Ai Ebihara

Arcana - Moon

Ai Ebihara is a highly materialistic person, who often talks down to the people who admire her. She has no problem insulting others who don't meet her standards for a partner, and shows herself to be incredibly selfish at first. Throughout her social-link, she proves herself to be kind and loving.

She used to be bullied when she was younger, mostly for being "fat" and "ugly." She decided to lose weight and become pretty, but even after working hard to have her current appearance, feels that nobody loves her. She fears rejection, and acts very irrationally after recieving it. After learning that her crush likes another girl, she attempts to jump off of the school rooftop.

She's so desperate for love that she tries forcing Yu into a false relationship to comfort herself. She eventually learns that she only skipped classes and went on diets to fill an empty void of wanting to be loved by somebody. She also vows to be a nicer, less judgemental person to others, and realizes that she was never in love with her crush, but liked the idea of being with somebody.

Kou Ichijo & Daisuke Nagase

Arcana - Strength

Kou Ichijo and Daisuke Nagase are best friends on different sports teams. Kou is carefree and likes to joke around, especially to lighten the mood on a heavy topic. Daisuke is calm and reserved, especially compared to Kou. If Yu joins the basketball team, the social-link will be focused more on Kou. If Yu joins the soccer team, the social-link will be focused more on Daisuke.

In a Kou-focused social-link, it's revealed that he actually keeps to himself a lot, since he's part of a distinguished family in Inaba who keeps to age-old traditions. Kou knows that he's adopted, and tries to set out to find his real parents. He realizes that since he's not the blood-related heir of the family, he no longer has to uphold such traditions. This leaves him conflicted, as he's happy about no longer having to uphold traditions, but also starts feeling shunned from his family. He starts skipping practice, and Daisuke notices. He sets up a game for Kou to play, which causes him to gain his interest back. After inquiring about his parents at the orphanage, they give him a letter supposedly written by his birth parents. He figures out that the letter wasn't written by his true parents, but the orphanage's matron. he isn't upset, however, because he realizes that he may not need to find his true identity to be happy.

In a Daisuke-focused social-link, it's revealed that his fear of failure causes him not to put his full effor into anything. He tends to be blunt and irritable as well, sometimes saying the wrong things even when meaning well. Kou asks for Yu's help, as Daisuke had been humiliated by his girlfriend in middleschool, causing him to dislike being with girls and stop putting his full effor into things. Kou asks Yu to help Daisuke get a girlfriend by setting up a blind date, but this ends up irritating him and he leaves. His ex-girlfriend apolgizes to him and watches his soccer games due to being remorseful, but Daisuke brushes her off. Through this, he realizes that he needs to get over his fears and he talks to her about everything. The issue is resolved, and Daisuke is happy that things worked out the way they did.

Yumi Ozawa & Ayane Matsunaga

Arcana - Sun

Yumi Ozawa and Ayana Matsunaga both have the sun arcanas. If Yu chooses to join the drama club, the social-link will be focused on Yumi Ozawa. If Yu decides to join the band club, the social-link will be focused on Ayane Matsunaga.

In a Yumi-focused social-link, it's found that she is an enthusiatic member of the drama club, and is known to be very talented. She enjoys watching musicals and operas, and tells Yu that he can learn a lot about acting from watching them. Despite seemingly being happy at school, she starts skipping club lessons because her father is in the hospital. She lashes out at her mother for forgiving him so easily, because he divorced her and left her alone for another woman. She eventually decides to skip out on the play, because her mother is facing hardships and is seeing her father in the hospital. Yumi eventually becomes conflicted, as she doesn't want to forgive her disloyal father, but she also doesn't want to see him like this. She also states how kind he used to be, and slowly starts to forgive him. Her father eventually passes away in the hospital, but states that she was his pride and joy. She slowly becomes less interested in the drama club, and states that she feels as though nobody likes to be with her anymore. With Yu's help, Yumi eventually finds her true feelings, and thanks him for his help. By the end of the game, she works at Junes and is interested in the town's politics.

In a Ayane-focused social-link, it's found that she is a shy and timid member of the drama club who often apologizes a lot. She plays the trombone, but feels outshone by another player who happens to be much better than her. Because of this, she often isn't aelected to play whenever the school band is selected to play a performance. Although she would rather play the flute, her family couldn't afford to buy her one. When another trombone player was involved in an accident, she got a big breakthrough. They decided to put Ayane in place of them and make it a trombone solo. She feels that she's falling behind and unable to keep up, even being on the verge of giving up entirely. Yu tells her to stick it out, and she agrees, saying that she'll do her best. When the day of the performance came, the other player came back and she handed her role back to them without anybody urging her to stay and play. She tells Yu how angry it made her feel, and decides that it's better to be selfish than a people-pleaser. She thanks Yu for his help, and states that she's going to take any opportunity she can from now on.

Naoki Konishi

Arcana - Hanged Man

Naoki Konishi is Saki konishi's younger brother, and can't move forward from her sister's death. He's emotionally numb and is distant with others, since he's constantly pitied and gossiped about at the same time. He hated Yu for associating with Yosuke, but once he begins to talk to him more, he realizes that he's not a bad person to hang out with.

He eventually feels grateful towards Yu for giving him advice and being honest with him. Yu also helped him deal with the pain of his sister's death and he eventually stopped hating Yosuke. When they first meet, Naoki asks Yu to leave, since he knows that doesn't like him. He's found on the first floor of Yasogami. He states that he started losing hope about Saki coming back when he saw expired creampuffs in the fridge. He says that she would always eat them and defend herself by saying that they were going to expire soon.

He has trouble expressing his grief, and says that he thinks he's abnormal for not crying about what happened. When he goes to his sister's death-site, he's finally able to mourn her and starts to accept the fact that she's gone.

Sayoko Uehara

Arcana - Devil

Sayoko Uehara works as a nurse in the Inaba Hospital, and on the surface seems to be mischevious due to her flirty nature with Yu.

Beneath her flirtatious exterior, she's a lonely woman who's depressed that her patients have to die or leave her eventually. Although she had a love for helping others in need, it was all overshadowed by her loneliness.

At the end of the game, it's learned that she joins a volunteer medical organization designed to help poorer countries. She states that she's already traveled to Africa, and the other nurses say that she's their hardest worker.

Shu Nakajima

Arcana - Tower

Shu Nakajima is known to be smart and talented, if not cynical and prone to being angsty.

He believes that he needs to keep being the best in his class so that his mom will love him. This drive leads him to cheating on one of his tests. He also state sthat he's been bullied, and feels increasingly pressured by others.

After his mother finds out that he cheated on one of his tests, they get into an argument. After Shu leaves and his mother realizes what she's done, she apologizes for putting so much pressure onto him. He no longer feels that he has to be the best.

Eri Minami

Arcana - Temperance

Eri Minami is a gentle woman who wants her step-son, Yuuta, to accept her. She's soft-spoken and gullible, as well as being timid, but she loves her step-son the most.

With how gullible she is, she starts believing what her peers tell her about Yuuta, and this cuases a temporary rift between them. She subconsciously fears facing the accusations against her step-son, which causes her to be unable to see how Yuuta wants to become closer to her.

She slowly starts bridging the gap between her and Yuuta, but breaks down in front of Yu due to his grades in school. He sees this and misunderstands it as Yu bullying his mom, which causes Yuuta to hit him. Towards the end of their time together, Yuuta accepts Eri as his mother, and they become closer together.

Terms commonly used or places comonly referred to:

Leblanc -

Sojiro Sakura's coffee shop that the Phantom Thieves use as their hideout after they stop using the school rooftop.

This is Akira Kurusu's temporary place of living while he's on probation.

Shujin Academy

Shujin Academy is where Akira and most of his friends go to school.

Some of the game's confidants can be found here after class ends.

Inaba -

A rural town that the game takes place in.

This is Yu Narukami's temporary place of living while he lives with his uncle for the year.

Metaverse -

Another world that allows Akira to see the distorted hearts of others.

It's accessible through the Meta-Navigator app on his phone.


Palaces are places inside of the metaverse that are physical representations of somebodies distorted heart.